

User rating:
Expert's services Vinny de Logun

Astrology: The art of the soul, spirit, personality, a guide for past, present, and future. No spirits, just feelings, from the most routinary to the most profound. Astrology is not guessing, Astrology is the poetry of your soul. Having a good Astrologer makes your life better.This is a very accessible price for one of the most well known Brazilian astrologers, Vinny de Logun. Chatting by video at his office is like being inspiring Brazil. 

Information needed from You

In order to draw your astrological chart it is necessary the place, time and time you were born. When there is no time, Vinny also uses other techniques to establish the time you were born and your rising sign, your style of doing things.

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See an example

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).

An example of the service provided

To a glamorous woman who has her Moon in Libra: 

Moon in Libra

The Moon is the lighter of our emotions and the sign where she is placed – let´s say “She” to the Moon because it is definitely a feminine force – is the light cannon that projects the emotions to the person who carries that placement. And then, you have your Moon in Libra. Oh, My God: Lucky you. Think about elegance, think about the right words, and fine clothes, and the ability to capture the magic of a moment: That is the Moon in Libra. For girls, that is just a blessing: They will be as beautiful as Rita Hayworth in “Gilda”, singing “Put the Blame on Mane” and, for the lads, they will be as charming and determined as Bogart in Casablanca: “He is looking at you, kid”. So, thank the stars – you were born with the Moon of good taste, elegance and, above of all, the light of the good sense of emotions, remember that. Just don´t be shy: shine with her!

The cost of the service 50 USD