
Astrology Chart Interpretation

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Expert's services Ocean

"Millionaires don't need astrologers, but billionaires do."... J.P. Morgan

The sidereal system is the most ancient and most accurate, that is why I want to share it with you. The vedic sutras of ancient sages relay the patterns and affects of the stars on our lives; these techniques can allow me to see your highest destiny, including love life, and career. Perhaps more intriguing is the ease it takes to determine a person's spiritual calling and how you may accomplish it.

Additionally this is a great way to familiarize yourself with my Mediumship services, utilizing remote viewing techniques paired with Tarot reading.

Information needed from You

Provide your birth date, place of birth, and preferably the exact time.

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137 USD
size — 2 pages
The deadline — 1 day

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).