
Dreams interpretation

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Expert's services Charlie Charlie

Allow me to share with you Wisdoms collected from all of these lives of mine

Depending on how much info you give me, I could write more, The more detailed your dream, the more details I will give you :)

I have understood dreams in two ways: 

*First, dreams are a way to unclog your mind. It is like clearing the trashcan, flushing the toilet. These dreams do not have much important messages, they are just relieving your brain from the day stress, for example, dreams where you are at work and do so much and then wake up thinking you worked all night, but yet you haven't really... It is just your brain venting away :)

*Second, dreams that where used by your guides to let you know something important. Here is where I can come and tell you what is all about. My mediumship skills are more strongly into the Clairvoyance, even though I can work with the 4 claires (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance), so I can easily relate to dreams, since they are that, your own way to receive clairvoyance messages from your guides.  

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