
Akashic Records Reading

User rating:
Expert's services Lady Kathryn

I come from generations of psychic readers. I was born fully operating in my spiritual gifts.  I have been a spiritual advisor for 31 ...

 The Akashic Records of the future embody an ever-changing array of possibilities and potentials. The future is not fixed; instead, the future changes and alters with every thought, every choice and every decision we make in the present. Essentially the future is an ever-evolving shadow of that which may be, totally dependent upon what one does in the present with what he or she has learned from the past. Because we are constantly receiving information from the Akashic Records, essentially “tapping into” the material connected to us personally, our changing futures are glimpsed in intuitive impressions, hunches, and our dreams. In fact, the Cayce readings state that nothing of significance ever happens to anyone without it first being foreshadowed in a dream. 

In having your records read, you can truly master your own life.  You can heal and transform any area of your life by knowing "why" and how to transform it.  The records can transform and heal your life. 

Information needed from You

I will need your date of birth and first name along with your intention in wanting your records read. If you are accessing for a child, spouse, sibling, or anyone whom you are connected with. I will also need his/her first name and date of birth.

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The deadline — 2 days

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).