
Holiday Spirit Spread

User rating:
Expert's services Jade

Through her many different forms of divination and spiritual connection, Jade has devoted much of her life to helping thousands of peop ...

The Three Holiday Spirits have a message for everyone, not just Ebeneezer Scrooge! Join me, as we converse with the  Holiday Spirits, to find out what their messages are for you!

The Holiday Spirits messages are powerful ones, and give us a great footing on truth and self discovery.

Find out from the Spirit of Holiday Past, who and what from your past, needs to stay there. How to let them go! What ideas and thoughts are weighing you down, how to let go of all this excess energy that no longer serves your highest good. What lessons need to be learned?

Explore with the Spirit of Holiday Present, your current path, and where it may, or may not be leading you. Are you on the right track?  Allow spirit to help set your next footing on your lifes journey!

Have a peek ahead with the Spirit of Holiday Future, and find out what amazing things are in store for you in this next upcoming year. What you should look out for, what can you change now, to effect later, for the better?

Information needed from You

All that is needed for this spread from you, is simply your first name, and what areas you would like to focus in. (General, Work, Love, Finanaces, Health, Spirituality etc.)

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The cost: 100 USD
User's rating:
The cost of the service
30 USD
size — 15 minutes
The deadline — 1 day
See an example

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).

An example of the service provided

You can ask:

"What message do the Holiday Spirits have for me, in General"

"What message do the Holiday Spirits have for me, in Love"

"What message do the Holiday Spirits have for me, in Career"

The cost of the service 30 USD