
Tarot Reading 3 card 1 question, online affordable tarot via email, any area of focus

User rating:
Expert's services Psychic Gigi

When I came to terms with my abilities I decided to utilize them to help others. If you feel like you're in need of guidance, I am here ...

 3 card read will give you your past, current and possible outcome. Ask about career, finance, relationship, health, or other situations.

I will do a specific 3 card reading for you; and email you the results and a picture of your particular card spread in 1 -2 business days - (often the same day)

It is helpful to include names and birthday's (Month and Day) of people involved; if possible.

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The cost: 125 USD
User's rating:
The cost of the service
20 USD
size — 1 page
The deadline — 2 days

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).