
Spirit Guide Connection <3

User rating:
Expert's services Charlie Charlie

Allow me to share with you Wisdoms collected from all of these lives of mine

Every single human being on Earth has a support team on their back. We all forget as we grow old, because of the environment we grow and because of the society we belong to. This support team has your back! Unlike you, they have not forget your mission and they are there to help you achieve and to make you company and to guide you every day. 

Today, they are desperate to connect with you. The path that humanity is in needs more than ever that we connect to our Guides to help Gaia healed, but only from your own healing. You can be Empowered by them every day of your life, but the first step is the first encounter. Allow me to be the "phone home"!!! 

Information needed from You

Since this would be a guided meditation, the first five minutes we would talk about your expertise level for me to adapt to your needs. No previous experience necessary. I will guide you according to what we talk in the beginning of our meeting.

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* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).