
life past

User rating:
Expert's services Tara

Hello , my name is Tara , im a clairvoyant , clair audiente medium , i discovered mygift wheni was 13.

this service is good when we wish to know about  our last  identity , to try to find some answers in the pasq to have a better life now , i also propose it, in private consulte to eradicate a fear a bad relation the kind wish come often ;  and  whe u feel ,ot good in a country of your familly , i can help you to find why to understand and forgive sometime or beeing forgivness to to from karma to fdarma , because all u need is love , to be lovrd , and to learn how to love  this offert is by mail the others in private consultation

Information needed from You

you and by email some pics of u

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E-Mail Readings
The cost: 19.99 USD
User's rating:
The cost of the service
50 USD
size — 2 pages
The deadline — 2 days
See an example

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).

An example of the service provided

read up please :)

The cost of the service 50 USD