
Dream Interpretations

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Expert's services Sulis

Natural empath, energy healer and psychic. I help others with guidance, healing, and intuitive wisdom.

Understanding a dream is like solving a mystery or a puzzle. By looking at the dream from various angles, exploring universal themes, symbols and emotions, I will help discover the meaning of your dream.  My approach focuses on finding what messages your unconscious mind is trying to relay to your conscious mind. I use my intuition and gut feelings to help solve your dream.

With this new knowledge from your dream, the next step is to take the lesson learned, and apply it to your life. I'll help you come up with unique ways for you to carry this newfound information with you on a daily basis. Then you will be able to make the changes necessary to create the life you want, deserve, and have always ‘dreamed’ of!

Information needed from You

Describe your dream in as much details as possible. Please include any emotions you may feel. Also if this is a reoccurring dream, please state so.

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size — 1 page
The deadline — 2 days

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).