

User rating:
Expert's services Marecello

Tarots reader, clairvoyant, psychic and qualified spiritual healer combining the esoteric arts  for caring, honest and accurate guidance...

Love spells work in any circumstance and for every gender

I cast my spells with my candles  made with my hands and I charge it only with positive energies ,every candles are personalized and could be used for any situation and we can obtain the best result!

Many people ask me to cast this spells from many years and now most of them are happy and satisfy!  

Dont esitate and not lose this opportunity, for 1 week the Love SPELL is ON sale at only 150 usd

Information needed from You

Name and date of birth are the only info required for a accurate and strong work with a guaranteed success!

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150 USD
size — 1 page
The deadline — 3 hours

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).