
Tarot psicoteraphist , Astrology, Dreams

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Expert's services Light Fenix

Profesional astrologer, tarotist and healer.

►♥♥Expert in love Advice, tobacco read, I will help and instruct you to attract love♥♥ with neurolinguistic programación, money and abundance♥

Professional astrology, coach Emotional, and spiritual, tarot for prediction, love, and familiar constellations, and angels connection psychology, I’m a certified tarotist since 20 years ago. So, thanks to that and my knowledge I’m qualified to help you solve all the doubts and questions you may have about your life, either about love, business, studies, finances and all kind of other situations.

tarot, past lifes, soulmates, Celtic oracle, astrology, numerology, familiar constellations, biorythms, mantras, Reiki, therapy of vibration with tuning forks and infrasonic slings to heal any pain or discomfort (insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression, postoperative, focusing, Chakras alignment, turn down any type of locks and more) just

Information needed from You

Is important Name and Dob for tarot readings, for astrology chart Name and dob and hour of born, country and city.
For espiritual clean photo and name and dob
If u send me photo i can connect better

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* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).