
Romance Reading

User rating:
Expert's services Leelahel

Romance & Business Consultation Expert — Fast typing and talking! —Manners required—QUALITY READINGS. My gifts are: clairvoyance, ...

Romance readings are perhaps my most popular service anywhere I read. I can tune into how somebody feels about you, what their intentions are for you, how they feel about somebody else, why or why not the environment would help or slow you down, if any outside people are an influence or a blocker, and just about anything else. I read about all kinds of relationships, and don't pass judgment on anybody. Readings remain confidential and try to highlight your options so that you can get what you what.

Information needed from You

Please give me each person's first name. (Not initials, but nick names are fine) I will need a specific question from you in regards to what you want me to look into. In other words, ask what you wish to know.

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size — 15 minutes
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* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).