
Annual Review

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Expert's services Leelahel

Romance & Business Consultation Expert — Fast typing and talking! —Manners required—QUALITY READINGS. My gifts are: clairvoyance, ...

This reading can get quite long depending on how the events are to unfold in your life. The annual review is a month to month look into the next 12 months ahead, with added details and impressions I may pick up with my psychic intuition. Additionally offers the theme for the year, where you can expect things to go or what is working with you. When I feel you need it I also add what to strive to avoid, to help you navigate your life's turns more smoothly. It can be very detailed and informative, giving you insight and the chance to anticipate what lies ahead for you.

Information needed from You

To carry out this reading I will need your first name, an aspect of your life that you are curious about (romance, finance, spiritual path), and possibly a one-ended specific question to answer. The rest is up to me.

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This was my personal one for the year of 2019, starting in October of 2018.

♡ October. Temperance.
Going through all aspects of your life and working on them. Contemplating your shortcomings and your greatest achievements and trying to find out a better balance so that the path is clear and smooth in the future. Even if fun is intense and high tone, responsibilities could be sacrificed. It takes a great deal of discipline to learn to plan ahead instead of skipping around impulsively. When you care, you take the time to craft matters out in a way that speaks to harmony and happiness, life’s real balance.

Maturing has a way of taking he rose-colored glasses off and making reality feel more tolerable. It takes a great deal of responsibility but the payoff is definitely worth it.

♡ November. Three of Swords.
Some lessons are learned the hard way. This may be about getting a rough set of news that is heartbreaking or witnessing somebody act out on how hurt they are. It is the opposite of the previous month, which is tempering one’s emotions. This card shows an expression of pain, even if it accepted with grace. Something difficult could happen, and the best we can do sometimes is to be accepting of it if we can’t change it.

Not gonna' lie, seeing this card present this month fills me with dread. It almost feels like a looming specter waiting just a few weeks up ahead. I'm not ready.

♡ December. Page of Cups.
A soothing balm, an apology received. Circumstances soothe and cool you down. Shed some tears if you have to, but come back to reasoning with the understanding that you are doing the best you can anyway. That is really what you can offer.

I see this as an offer of love, some type of gift or upgrade. It could be finally learning to say sorry on your own without the people you care about having to ask it of you. Going back to the basics and loving without the defense mechanisms you have used to protect yourself in place.

♡ January. Hierophant.
Life lessons come with a bitter drink sometimes. But once we know better we have no reason to go back to repeat past mistakes. The best way to see some obstacles through is to stick to convention and to be cooperative. There will be other times to stand up for yourself and thus stand out in a situation, but this is not one of those instances. For now, see which reward you reap from obedience and devotion. Don’t question it, just go with it.

I’ve had this card following me for the past few months and wonder how it will finally come to play out. At the moment I can foresee different aspects of the lesson but not yet the bigger picture.

♡ February. Ace of Wands.
Passion, the kind that burns. A match is lit in the dark to provide you with insight on what you can invest your energy in. What is it, a creative project or your relationship turning up the volume? Is it your temper flaring up?

After all the moderation and stress of the past months, it seems like this is really when the year gets going. A jump start is great even if it feels like a late one. I know all my years to start out in February because I tend to spend January tying up loose ends from the previous year. It happens naturally.

♡ March. Ace of Cups.
A sign of relief to soothe and cool you off, like memories of Moroccan mint tea freshly brewed in the early mornings while the crisp African breeze delights you. These are the memories to think back to that lighten the spirit and give your body a general feeling of wellness. Prioritize that, prioritize feeling good and grounded in the moment. Practice gratitude without it getting self-serving. Accept life’s best blessings with an open heart. Be ready to give. It’s a reward you gift yourself with.

Romance can overwhelm you, sometimes you shed tears from joy knowing you’ve been through so much. Still, you’ve somehow made it. You’ve found your niche. Now that it feels this way it can be hard to believe you achieved it. Here you are, pat yourself on the back. Drink and be merry.

♡ April. Eight of Swords.
I don’t think this is a versatile month rich in options. It actually seems a little tense. You may have concerns that keep you locked in place. Take some time to rest if that’s the case. Not all months can be winners. We don’t need to resist our circumstances.

♡ May. The Sun.
Back on shedding light. Smiling, looking forward to that dreadful season called the summer. Last one was terrific, I don’t remember having enjoyed myself so much during the summer. This one starts off with heat waves and an abundance of coconut water no doubt. Eat clean and get out there, live out your best life!

Free of those two year woes. I narrowly escaped, but did so at the perfect time. I give thanks I got out of those sinking trenches every day.

♡ June. Six of Swords.
There’s no going back once you’re past the point of no return. The journey brings with it many obstacles as well as surprises. Once you learn to prioritize the important aspects and leave distractions second you start to see the pace picking up because you focus better. Still, you know that you can’t control everything about your circumstances. There will be curve balls coming at you, but the best part is being prepared to handle them so they don’t slow you down too much.

You learn as you go, so go with an open heart. Disperse the fear, it won’t serve you.

♡ July. Two of Coins.
Learning to make compromise takes work. So does negotiation to make up for something so you can keep moving forward. The meshing of two worlds obscures boundaries defining each party. It all gets drawn in, such as planets do as they drift into black holes. The solid, defined form you have known yourself to have starts to change to be able to fit with that of somebody else’s world. It stops being about just you as people and starts to become the summation of those two worlds mixing.

♡ August. Three of Coins.
Working together, keeping busy. A possibly hectic time of productivity. It seems like many of the things talked about being worked on are finally well underway. The key is to keep that momentum going while also juggling all the responsibilities of real life. Therein lies the real puzzle.

♡ September. Judgment.
Growth can come with the most crippling growing pains, don’t I know it. Overcoming all your obstacles seems doable, but overcoming yourself is really the most magnanimous task. It takes lots of careful planning and consistency at chipping away all the extra weight. All the spikes being shed, so to speak. Maturing comes with eye-opening experiences, and can often make you feel transparent before others.

♡ Theme. The Moon.
In all the years I've been doing this reading I haven't actually had my signifier pop up as the theme for the year. When The Moon pops up in a personal reading, I intuit it to be overwhelming anxiety or confusion as well as intuition without harness. Notice the distorted face, eyes closed and the beams that radiate down from the moon itself. It's a feeling of intoxication that can be overwhelming until it passes, just as the full moon. I never get any sleep during a full moon.

I interpret this to be working with shadow aspects or those aspects of ourselves that are less glamorous or not easy to accept. Even though I don't subscribe to the notion that we are all works in progress until we leave this Earth, I do think that this directly relates to how I feel on the inside and how overwhelmed I feel by it sometimes. I have become more conscious of my shortcomings and aspects of myself that need to be worked on. Let's hope it gets resolved in the next year from how much effort I have invested in that task.

What are you working on? Tempering your emotions or following your intuition despite its dissonance with your environment?

The cost of the service 50 USD