

User rating:
Expert's services Dr Calder

The Divine is everywhere. I will use my psychic gifts for your guidance, to help you find what you seek.

Dowsing can reveal any blockages or stressors that are not readily apparent by tuning into the quantum field. This Divination method reveals what is hidden from your view. While dowsing, I channel the energies of the Archangels to answer extremely precise questions. Dowsing amplifies the Divine clarity that you seek giving access to the Highest Source of wisdom. 

Consider this service for making choices, figuring out your true feelings, assessing people and their motives and finding causes of physical symptoms.

Information needed from You

All that is necessary is your mental focus and intention. What really counts is your desire for clarity and Truth.

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25 USD
size — 1 page
The deadline — 2 days

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).