

User rating:
Expert's services Tasha

Fast Psychic connection with unbelievable accuracy!

We will delve deep into the energy fields connecting you to your twin flame and channel the energies. You will be lead into the past lives of this connection which ultimately give you most pressing answers about the current energies. You will be made fully aware of the steps to be taken along this twin flame path and guided to be best equipped for the reunion or understanding that is needed. You will ultimately be given the healing energy needed to be assured of your path with this sense of deeper knowing that you already encompass. Namaste

Information needed from You

No information of birth is necessary. I only need your first names and roughly when you first connected with your twin ie your age or the year that you first encountered the magnetic pull towards your twin flame.

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See an example

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).

An example of the service provided

Twin flames are on a journey of experience from the moment the soul is divided into 2 separate lineages. Each lineage will go on through lives to experience all that life has to offer. This includes the highs and the lows. Before the souls can ultimately reunite circumstances and situations are put into place for the greater cleansing and awareness of all the lessons learned. Some twin flames may never meet in 1 life time but right now in this life time something extra ordinary is taking place between twin flames. The twin flame connection is greater than just the souls of these people. You are just a part of what is to occur in the greater picture.

The cost of the service 137 USD