
Full Astrology Chart

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Astrology is the study of the effects of planetary forces upon person. It is not fortune telling. It is one of the best methods for a person to learn about who he is, where he came from and where he is going. Astrology reveals CHARACTER and character is destiny. If a person can change his character, then the person will have changed his destiny. The main uses of astrology are diagnosis of health and sickness, character analysis, vocational guidance, analysis of children's horoscopes so as to give parents a better idea as to how best to raise their children, and analysis of the compatibilities between people.

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Mercury discordant to Pluto (power = 14.89 and this aspect is discordant = -14.89)

You are naturally suspicious and curious about all kinds of hidden and secret things. You love playing the detective, ferreting out any and all secret information. You are not content to scratch the surface of knowledge, you have to go as deep as possible in order to seek out the truth. You love a good mystery and subjects like death and dying, reincarnation, sex and mystical or natural methods of healing are of interest to you. You like to know what everyone is doing or thinking, but you rarely divulge what is on your mind. Because of your love of research and investigation you may well be attracted to the fields of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychiatry or counseling in general. You have great powers of concentration and a penetrating mind. You are able to size up people and situations quickly and accurately. You are keenly observant and very little gets by you. You have sort of an x-ray vision regarding the motivations and intentions of others. The occult side of life fascinates you and gives you plenty of scope for your researching talents and interests. Stories of mystery, intrigue, espionage, science fiction, etc. are favorite reading for you. You may have a morbid side to you because of all this interest in underground or undercover subjects. But that is not the way you see it at all. You just want to learn everything you can about subjects that most people couldn't care less about. You have strong opinions with the power to influence others. Some may think you are almost fanatical or obsessive about your beliefs or what you choose to direct your thinking upon. Just remember to keep an open mind to all points of view. With that attitude you will learn even more about the things you study. Lastly, you may have a highly geared nervous system which can cause impatience and irritability. You must learn when you need to give your mind a rest.

You tend to have a very suspicious, even paranoid, side. You need to learn not to be so intensely involved with your own ideas and beliefs, as some of your beliefs may be downright fanatical. When others do not believe the same way as you, you may have a tendency to get angry or self-righteous. You need to learn to listen calmly to other viewpoints and consider whether yours is in error. Be big enough to admit when you are wrong. The attitude you may have that you are always right is just not reality. Keep an open mind before ridiculing any idea. This aspect can give the "doubting Thomas" tendency whereby you believe in nothing unless the evidence is displayed to you first-hand. The only real way you can find the proof you want is for you to learn to tap your own Higher Self in order to find the truth from your own inner wisdom.

Mercury discordant to Ascendant (power = 11.49 and this aspect is discordant = -11.49)

You love mental challenges and are quick to take up the cue in any argument or debate. You have a lot of nervous energy and can't sit still for long. You prefer intellectual people and you like to challenge their thinking and ideas. At times you may have a lack of clarity in expressing your thoughts. There are moments, too, when you simply talk too much.

The cost of the service 50 USD