
Aura cleaning

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Expert's services La Gitana

Let's look into your past, present and specially future. I have diverse above given gifts and connection with the spirit world. Speak to ...

When your auric field is strong and healthy, it allows you to feel energised, more aligned with your soul and helps you to create a more positive outlook. When you are highly stressed, in a stressful environment or when your immunity is down, your auric field can become weak which can make you feel lethargic, unaligned with your soul and can create a more negative outlook.


Just like we have to protect and care for our physical body, we also have to protect and care for our energetic body.

Information needed from You

picture of yourself
name has the be real name
date of birth
time of birth

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The cost: 150 USD
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Spirit Guide Connection <3
The cost: 110 USD
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The cost of the service
125 USD
size — 60 minutes
The deadline — 2 days
See an example

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).

An example of the service provided

Just like we have to protect and care for our physical body, we also have to protect and care for our energetic body.

If you are feeling drained, stressed, spiritually desensitised, highly emotional or out of sorts, cleansing your aura may help.

after the cleaning Psychic Bath is a ritualistic bathing process that helps to cleanse your energy field and aura.

The cost of the service 125 USD