
Guiding Tarot (3 Card Spread)

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Expert's services Guiding Tarot

I am here to help you pull meaning and guidance from tarot cards.

Guiding Tarot is used to guide and clarify the questioner's emotions, current situation, and possible solutions to things that are troublesome. A three card reading is quick and easy.  Reading may be performed either through live video/chat or through email.

During a video reading, I will walk you through the meaning of each card that appears in the three card spread as you and I meditate on your questions and concerns. I will ask you to think about how each card applies to you during the reading. 

An email reading will include a written explanation of each card that is drawn and how it may apply to your situation.  

Information needed from You

Please fill out this form if you are interested in a three card reading:

Preferred format for reading: (live video/chat, recorded video, or email)
Your questions/concerns (email and chat only)
Your preferred day or time for a reading:

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The cost: 25 USD
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The cost: 62 USD
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The cost of the service
7.50 USD
size — 15 minutes
The deadline — 1 day

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).