
Feng Shui for the Aura, Home and Business

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Expert's services Dr Calder

The Divine is everywhere. I will use my psychic gifts for your guidance, to help you find what you seek.

Feng Shui examines the placement of objects in your environment and how these objects interact and influence your personal energy flow. This flow affects your performance and success. Feng Shui encourages the flow of your highest destiny, inviting abundance, good health, loving relationships, auspicious opportunities, creative self-expression, spiritual blessings and wealth. The Ch'i energies of Feng Shui when flowing optimally into your aura, home or business can enable abundance and success. Invite this ancient Chinese art to create miracles in your life.

Information needed from You

For auric Feng Shui I will need a full length photograph. For home Feng Shui I will need a blueprint or lay out of your home. For business Feng Shui I will need a blueprint or lay out of your office / work / business space.

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The cost: 25 USD
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The cost of the service
25 USD
size — 40 minutes
The deadline — 2 days

* If the service falls within the promotional period, the period of its performance may increase up to 1-2 days

* * To make an order the prior voice consultationis required. it is charged separately (10 min).